Sunday, December 13, 2009

Global Change

I think the next fifty years will change the world with positive effects and negative effects. Some major changes will be in technology and medicine. I think people will beome more and more curious with these advances and scientists wont just be just cloning animals but people, and advanced machines like flying cars will be made. Some of these changes could lead to disagreements between different people and countries. Even though some changes might be good for the world such as cure for cancer, i believe most advances will end in disaster and will make the world more horrible. I believe people should only advance to a certain point.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009


Description of Story: This story is about me and what makes me who I am today. This story describes my culture, my family, and my interests.

Reflection: I really enjoyed creating my digital story board. This project let me express myself and show people a different side of me other then a student and a friend. In the future i would like to do more digital stories and learn more about different ways to improve them.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Giving project

A great academic expeirience i had in school was the giving project that my advisory did freshman year. Our teacher put everyone in groups and in each group we had to work on a lesson plan. after creating our lesson plans we created an activity which the students can participate in and express what they learned from us. Our group each took turns in reading the book we chose and the students all listened to us and asked questions. When they got to do the activity they had fun coloring and making their own unique pictures. After the giving project our group had a great expierence interating with younger students. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

blogging and education


    Bogging is beneficial to education. It benefits education by teaching skills for academic use. It is helpful to schools because it’s cheap and easy. Using Bogging in schools can help teachers and students as well. Bogging in schools helps them by letting students have their own opinions and lets them get ideas or suggestions from other students.